Climate in Egypt and Misting Fog Systems

Climate in Egypt and Misting Fog Systems

The climate of Egypt, a country in north-eastern Africa, is characterized by the scarcity of rainfall and the abundance of sunshine. Egypt has a mild winter season with rain falling along coastal areas, and a hot and dry summer season (May to September). In the coastal regions, temperatures range between average winter minimums of 14°C…

Climate in Tunisia and Misting Fog Systems

The outdoor cooling and misting systems in Tunisia. The Republic of Tunisia is the northernmost in Africa. It is bordered by Algeria to the west, Libya to the southeast, Mediterranean Sea to the north and east. The climate in Tunisia is a combination of African and Mediterranean climate. Tunisia is famous for hot and dry…

Climate in Marocco and Misting Systems

The outdoor cooling and misting systems in Marocco. The Kingdom of Marocco is a country in the Maghreb region of North Africa and lies on the north west of the African continent with coasts upon the Atlantic and the Mediterranean Sea. Geographically, Morocco is characterized by a rugged mountainous interior and large portions of desert.…


Climate in Algeria and Misting Fog Systems

The outdoor cooling and misting systems in Algeria. Algeria is a country in North Africa on the Mediterranean coast and shares land borders with Morocco, Mauritania, Mali, Nigeria, Libya and Tunisia. In Algeria coastal areas have a mild climate, which means hot in the summer and cool and rainy in the winter. Algiers, the capital…